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Ways to Donate
Below are a list of all the ways you can donate to Bfriend - pick your preferred method.
Online Payment / Text SMS
Click HERE to Donate to Bfriend online today.
You can also fundraise for us through our Just Giving Charity page. Just click "Fundraise for Us" and follow the steps to connect with Bfriend.
Thank You!
Cash & Cheques
We are very grateful for any donation of cash or cheques, please feel free to come and see us or post to our Office.
Cheques should be made payable to 'South Ayrshire Befriending Project'
Bank Transfer
If you wish to donate to our Project it can also be done by bank transfer or Standing Order using the following details:
Account Name: South Ayrshire Befriending Project
Sort Code:82-12-08
Account Number: 40072562
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